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[기타] 연세대학교-포스텍 개방공유캠퍼스 사업 관련 해외석학 초청 강연 안내 (3월 10일 특강)
게시글 내용

연세대학교는 포스텍과의 개방공유 캠퍼스 협약에 따라, 해외석학 초청 강연등을 공유하고 있습니다.

이번에 개최되는 해외석학 강연은 온라인 줌으로 진행되며, 아래 포스터 내용을 확인하고 참여하시기 바랍니다.

연세대 대학원생이 참여할 경우에는 연세대_000와 같이 대학명을 표기하여 주시기 바랍니다.

It has been hypothesized that one of the consequences of the highly evolved cognitive capacity of the human brain is the development of increased vulnerability to cognitive disorders. Technical breakthroughs in genomics have allowed us to begin to identify genetic and molecular signatures in the central nervous system that distinguish humans from non-human primates. We have identified novel human-specific patterns of gene expression and regulation in the brain. These data suggest that the human brain has undergone rapid modifications of gene expression patterns to support our enhanced cognitive abilities. Moreover, using a cell-type specific approach, we have surprisingly uncovered accelerated changes in oligodendrocytes that are relevant to schizophrenia pathophysiology. These new data have uncovered a potential cell-type specific mechanism that may underlie the enhanced plasticity of the human brain. We have further identified genes relevant for human memory and are undertaking functional studies to study the role of these genes in human brain tissue.