As we sending E-transcript to the university, your institution will be able to receive the soft copy version of your transcript around 2 weeks after the program is over.
Additional copies of transcript can be requested for a fee from the YISS office. Note that it's the student's responsibility to provide a correct e-mail/mail address.
Students from non-partner institutions may apply and do not require nominations unless specified by their home institution.
Please ask your home university for their requirements.
Only high school seniors who have received admission to non-Korean colleges/universities can apply to the program.
Students do not need to submit language exam scores (TOEFL, TOPIK, etc.) to participate in YISS. However, students must be aware that YISS courses are COLLEGE-LEVEL courses taught entirely in English.
The application fee is not refundable, though the tuition fee is. Please see our refund policy for more details.